Tuesday 24 June 2014

World Cup

Taken quite a bit of interest in the World Cup. I'm supporting Eng...sorry only joking, Ghana is my team. The Germany game has been the best so far. They've got a small chance of qualifying, but I've enjoyed watching them play anyway .

Tuesday 17 June 2014

bank holiday weekend

It was a long weekend and I just wanted to relax and enjoy it .On Saturday I went to the park, with the family, it was a really beautiful day. Just great 
to be able to get outside.
Sunday was quiet, but went to church in  the morning.
Monday stayed at home and listened to music, The Satudays, Pharrell Willams.

the easter holiday

There was a lovely family meal on Sunday, we had chicken and lots of vegetables. It was really nice to see my cousin. It was a great evening-stayed up pretty late.

On Monday I went to London zoo with my cousin.
Despite the fact  that it rained a lot through the day, we had a very enjoyable time.

Tuesday 10 June 2014

Catching up with friends

Met up with friends last week-try to get together regularly. Saturday, went to Mcdonalds. It's a  bit  of a treat, but not  too often...It's local for all us and no one has to travel far. It was great to see everyone-really love those strawberry milkshakes!

Still half term...

I love going swimming and I'm quite confident in the water. My breast stroke is improving with every visit to the pool. I tend to practice by doing lengths of the pool and to be honest I really don't get bored doing this. It's great exercise and I feel so good. I try to go regularly, once a week. I've never swum in the sea and not sure that I will, if I get the chance to do that on holiday (in Ghana). Maybe I'll just relax on the beach! I can almost imagine being there...

bank holiday 5 may

I'm looking forward to the next bank holiday.         I really need a rest.  I know half term
was last week, but I need more time off just to relax and go out ( taking it easy ).

Tuesday 20 May 2014

20 May: I'm goimg on holiday-but not yet.

It's half-term this Friday; two weeks off from college.What am I going to do? I'm thinking about a few things. I've definitely got to go shopping for some summer clothes, but I've got to think carefully about what I need.

Labadi Beach - photo by Dave Ley

There is likely to be a family holiday to Ghana in a few months. I have to make sure that I get the clothes I need for that trip. 
Meanwhile I've got some time off and that's a good opportunity to see friends, go out, relax.