Tuesday 20 May 2014

20 May: I'm goimg on holiday-but not yet.

It's half-term this Friday; two weeks off from college.What am I going to do? I'm thinking about a few things. I've definitely got to go shopping for some summer clothes, but I've got to think carefully about what I need.

Labadi Beach - photo by Dave Ley

There is likely to be a family holiday to Ghana in a few months. I have to make sure that I get the clothes I need for that trip. 
Meanwhile I've got some time off and that's a good opportunity to see friends, go out, relax.

Tuesday 6 May 2014

I did sports in the park today we did cricket which was fun. Before the sport we did pilates in
the  gym, which was very good.

I had jacket potato with baked beans for my lunch. I also had a drink.